Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's my birthday...

Today is my birthday. And you all know what that means... well probably not actually but anyways... Today is all about me!

I’ve been alive for 8401 days. Haha, maths is awesome…

It is the 146th day of the year, which leaves 219 days remaining until the years end.

On my birthday in 1986 9the year of my birth) the European community adopted the European flag. You know the one with the yellow stars in a circle on a blue backing. How’s that for trivia!? (thank you Wikipedia!)

I share my birthday with John Wayne (1907), Lenny Kravitz (1964) and Luca Toni (1977)… all great in their own right. So all in all I’m pretty much a cowboy that rocks and loves his football.

Word to ya mutha!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

maslow is all kinds of smart...

so i was reading someone elses blog and in hrte coments someone posted this link to this maslow's pyramid or maslow's hierarchy of needs or some shiz like that. check it out. wikipedia is actually a good start then move on to bigger and better things, get ya google on! the link is...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow%27s_Pyramid

check it yo.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

it comes to an end

I don’t play for Australia anymore.
So instead of having this conversation with everyone I’m just gunna put a brief explanation up here and if you want to know about it you will read it, if you ask about it you will be redirected here. That’s all.

So I went to Darwin for the Arafura games where a 4 team tournament with England, Japan, Korea and us (Australia) was on. International classifiers came in with some new rules that had been approved after Beijing (on a side note Beijing is an awesome word with three dots in a row!) for international CP (cerebral palsy) football. These classifiers looked at all players and everyone was reclassified. I was currently an ‘8’, the most able players still within the rules and able to participate. With the new rules I was classified out as I did not show all the signs they now require for inclusion. Sucks to be me but it’s probably, in the long run, a lot better for the sport.

I am not bitter about this. Yeh, I was very down for a while but that’s life right? I’ve had a good run, been to places and done things I never would have otherwise. I’ve made some great friends for life and overall am still happy about the experience. In the long run I will still follow the team and watch closely and be involved whenever/where ever I can and try to advance the sport in WA also.

So yeh. That’s it. Love you kids.



Friday, May 1, 2009


that's where it's at!
so no work today for me. so i've been for a surf... good times. not super awesome. but pretty fun. and done two loads of washing. always good to get that outa the way before the weekend. plus i've had a snack. om nom nom. and i'm writing ths blog while watching my fourth episode of stargate for the day. stargate is awesome. i don't care what you think! haha

anyways... today a list of tv shows that are cool (in a nerdy kind of way) and should be watched over and over...

JAG - the female lead in that show was one of my first celeb crushes. haha
Stargate - it's awesome and it has so many MacGuyver references. awesome... one of my favourite lines "maybe i can MacGuyver it in some way" or something to that effect anyways.
on that note MacGuyver - seriously. lets make a bomb from tooth paste and vinegar with a paperclip and a balloon!
Dr Quinn - Medicine Woman... i love the whole lets rip of dances with wolves kinda thing... plus cowboys and indians are awesome
Blue Heelers - before it went shit...
Babar - awesome tv show about an elephant etc...

that's a good start... but i gues we'll cover some more another day.

until next time... ttfn