Tuesday, April 28, 2009

exactly what i wanted/needed.

so i just got the new nofx album on my lunch break. i'm spinning it right now. it's still fat mike making stupid jokes about boozing followed by some basic, under thought, over inteligent rant, with the same sound. it's the same as pretty much everything that nofx have and ever will be. this makes me smile. why? i hear you ask... well this is why. everything is changing and sometiems i'm scared shitless by it. why can't it all stay the same. don't get me wrong, i love my life and how it changes and ebbs and flows (wow that's great (but not all that original) use of the word ebb right there) and i wouldn't swap that life for the world. but sometimes things need to stay the same. thanks nofx for giving no effort to change or be any different. you make me smile. also. i like nofx for what they do. so if the record was really different i probably wouldn't want it anymore.

dun dun dun.... i think i have a new topic for some blogs. reviews. of albums (new or old) and books (new or old) and people (new or old) etc etc etc (new or old)

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