Tuesday, May 25, 2010


they pop into my head. at random times. not enough to make something out of them. just wastes of space. here's some i've had recently.

- procrastination is awesome. fact.
- i'm pretty cool. but i know it. so it makes me less cool. and if i act like i don't know it then it seems like i just do know it and am acting like i don't, rendering the act futile.
- for a university graduate my spelling is horrendous. (side note: thank you spell check! although i think e e cummings had it right when it comes to capital letters.)
- fart jokes are always funny
- going back 2 points, e e cummings (oops, E. E. Cummings [wait, i'm not sure how he wants it.. oops, he's dead and probably doesn't want anything]) is pretty cool. read some of his stuff!
- brackets inside brackets are awesome (like in the previous point[or right here] or in the bad sandwich chronicles)
- am i just making stuff up to fill time now?
- finding new music is hard.
- i need to pee
- what is with me wanting to post on this blog more lately? starved for attention? nope, that's not it... i dunno. help a brother out?

what a waste of your time. my bad. check you all later.

cheers n beers

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